Welcome to the 2019 NDOA
Northern Region Obedience invites you to attend New Zealand's premier dog obedience event in Auckland.
This year the event will be held at the Black Hawk Exhibition Centre in Ardmore Auckland.
The 2019 NDOA will be also be running a Junior Dog Training class, Heelwork to Music and a Bronze and Silver CGC Assessment.
Entry forms are available below. Please fill in the relevant form(s) and either
- post form to NDOA, Private Bag 50903 with cheque or
- Internet bank (using relevant references on forms and post or scan the form to accounts@dogsnz.org.nz
Heelwork to Music entry form
Held on Sunday 21 April (12 noon Approx)
Events are as follows:
HTM - Elementary, Starters, Novice, Intermediate, Pairs and Teams
FREESTYLE - Elementary, Starters, Novice, Intermediate Pairs and Teams
Heelwork to Music entry form click here
Canine Good Citizen Entry Form
There will be a CGC Assessment on Sunday 21 April for levels Foundation and Silver. Starting at 9am with Foundation.
Cost to enter is $30
Foundation Assessment Form available here
Silver Assessment Form available here
Junior Dog Training
There will be a JDT Control Class held on Sunday 21 April at 9am.